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La Naturaleza Al Cuidado De Tu Salud

Digest Support


Para que los alimentos que se ingieren puedan ser asimilados por el cuerpo se precisa la intervención de unas sustancias conocidas con el nombre de Enzimas Digestivas. Dichas sustancias son de naturaleza proteica y actúan de manera específica sobre cada uno de los nutrientes de los alimentos para que éstos puedan ser aprovechados a nivel celular. Ingredientes Activos: Acid Prostease, Glucoamylase, Alkaline Protease, Celulase, Meltase, Fungai Protease, Pectinase, Lactase, Lipase, Invertase.

Otros Ingredientes: Beta Glucanase, Xylanase, Phytase, Beta Glucosidase.

Indicaciones: Tomar tres cápsulas por día. Número de Producto: 80052
Frasco Contiene: 90 cápsulas.

Although the diet of a person can be balanced, if there is any alteration in the body such as swelling, gases, or various digestive discomforts, it is possible that it has not digested or effectively taken advantage of the nutrients found in foods. The body can assimilate the foods eaten, which require the intervention of a substance known as digestive enzymes. These substances are natural proteins and act specifically on each of the nutrients of food so that they can be beneficial at the cellular level.

Active Ingredients: Acid Prostease, Glucoamylase, Alkaline Protease, Celulase, Meltase, Fungai Protease, Pectinase, Lactase, Lipase, Invertase.
Other Ingredients: Beta Glucanase, Xylanase, Phytase, Beta Glucosidase.

Suggested Use: Take three capsules per day. Product No. 80052
Bottle Contains: 90 capsules.
